It is no surprise that naturally derived plant extracts help aid various bodily issues. Apart from fighting diseases, most of them help maintain the body’s overall functioning. One such product is Kratom which is derived from the plant Mitragyna Speciosa. It has an active compound called mitragynine, responsible for all the benefits kratom offers. Kratom, being rich in alkaloids, is used for battling opioid addiction, relieving pain, increasing mental calmness and relaxation. Many people are also using kratom for sleep enhancement.
How to consume Kratom?
Kratom is available in many forms. People commonly brewed tea with Kratom and enjoyed it as an evening refreshment in the olden days. In modern times, Kratom powder is being added to various beverages. Kratom capsules are also available for daily consumption, which is one of the best ways to consume it for those who do not enjoy its taste. It can also be vaped through its vape kits. Its accessibility has become extremely easy since most of the vendors are on various online platforms and offer a variety of media to consume Kratom. It is also widely used in dietary supplements, but many countries consider it illegal since it comes under the definition of adulterated products.
REM sleep behavior disorder
Sleep has two phases: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and Non-Rapid Eye Movement (Non-REM) sleep. During REM sleep, dreams occur, and the brain’s activity is similar to that of an awake person. One’s heart rate increases, and there is rapid eye movement. Almost all the muscles of the body are in a paralyzed state. However, in the case of specific sleep disorders such as REM sleep behavior disorder, people tend to act out their dreams in reality. There is no muscle paralysis stopping their physical actions; hence, they cause violent consequences.
Causes of REM sleep behavior disorder
One of the common causes of this disorder is Parkinson’s disease. People above 50 years of age commonly experience this condition. The exact cause of this problem is still unknown, but specific observations help predict the most probable reasons.
Causes of REM sleep behavior disorder:
- Withdrawal: REM sleep behavior disorder is commonly observed in people who suddenly stop consuming alcohol after developing severe addiction. Few other medications which are suddenly removed from the diet also cause this disorder as a part of withdrawal symptoms.
- Antidepressants & trauma: people who consume antidepressants act out of their dreams during REM sleep. People also experience it in the wake of traumatic or stressful events.
Effects of REM sleep behavior disorder:
People suffering from this disorder naturally have poor sleep quality. Sometimes, they might wake up in the night with a rapid heartbeat and find it difficult to go back to sleep. Sleep deprivation severely reduces cognitive abilities and slows down the body’s metabolism. Most of the repair and healing processes of the body occur during sleep; hence, good quality of sleep is essential. The memory and attention span of the individuals are impaired, and one fails to remain focused on things. For people who live alone, sleepwalking and performing violent actions in sleep might cause severe physical damage. Injuries to vital organs such as the brain can be a fatal consequence of this disease; hence such individuals are advised never to be left alone. However, those individuals who do not live alone are prone to injure their partners since they have no control over their bodies. Hence, if this condition is left untreated, it could have worrying consequences. Moreover, having such episodes during sleep brings down one’s spirits and forces one to become more reserved and anti-social. This could take a toll on their mental health and, in turn, aggravate the condition.
How can Kratom help treat REM sleep behavior disorder?
Kratom is a well-known sleep enhancer. Many strains of it are involved in causing relaxation in the body and preparing the body for a good night’s sleep. People suffering from chronic stress often use it to relax their minds. Few potent varieties of it contain high amounts of alkaloids. Hence, when administered in higher doses, they act as sedatives. Many people who have insomnia use it as a medication. By targeting a few of the root causes of this disorder, one can prevent its clinical manifestations. For instance, it is an excellent alternative to antidepressants that cause this disorder. People popularly use its few strains like Maeng Da Kratom to lighten their mood and improve their energy levels. However, these must be consumed in the earlier part of the day as they are potent stimulants that act like anti-sedatives.
Kratom types that help in improving sleep
Red Bali Kratom: This variety of Kratom is popularly known for its effect on pain and insomnia. It helps relax muscles and ease stiffness in the joints, promoting sleep. Many insomniacs also use Red Bali kratom for inducing good sleep.
Red Indo Kratom: It is a potent sedative. By consuming a tiny amount of red Indo Kratom, one can experience reduced anxiety and sedation to help facilitate better sleep.
Red Borneo Kratom: Another variety of it which promotes sleep by causing overall body relaxation.
Kratom strains that prevent sleep
Few Kratom varieties are known for their energizing and mood-enhancing properties, which do not help sleep. A few such examples are Maeng Da and super green Malay Kratom. They are potent stimulants. However, it is helpful in the treatment of people suffering from depression which causes various sleep disorders.
Kratom is popular in treating various sleep disorders. People who wake up in the middle of the night use it to have a night of uninterrupted sleep. However, not all kratom types can treat REM sleep behavior disorders. This article served its purpose as a kratom strain guide. One must discuss the right kind and appropriate dosage of Kratom to treat this problem with the doctor. If one is already using some medicines, one must check that the drugs do not interact with it as few drugs cause adverse effects in the body in combination with Kratom.