Arabic numbers 1-10

Learn Arabic Numbers 1-10 and Higher

If you are a student expecting to learn arabic numbers 1-10, say no more. We have this, and we will help you not simply handle the stray pieces of the Arabic numeral structure yet also help you with holding the not so problematic counting in Arabic. Some could battle that there are such countless sorts of Arabic in the world, how is it that one could ought to keep up?

Without a doubt, there are truly a great deal of different standard kinds of Arabic that can be found in different locales of the planet where it is imparted in as a first language. However, lucky for you, you don’t need to learn each kind of Arabic to have the choice to count up to nine in Arabic or impressively further. The Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the standardized variation of Arabic that by far most are supposed to learn and use. Moreover, it’s really smart to learn only a solitary sort of it since it is the power public language of more than 20 countries across the world. What’s more, the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is in like manner among the 6 power lingos used in the Brought together Countries.

Hence, assuming that you want to learn numbers and how to count them in Arabic, the words will be something almost identical, standard, official, regardless of what the kind of the language. A heads up early, regardless, that to progress forward toward the more noteworthy numbers, you will see a couple of qualifications which most likely will not be as easy to learn. We shouldn’t consume our time any further and bounce into the universe of Arabic numbers:

Starting (Counting Arabic Number 1-10)

We ought to start from the preparation of every single numeral system Otherwise called the counting from one to ten. At the point when you know how to count the underlying ten numbers in any language, you can learn to count further acceptably actually and quickly.

One to Five

Start with the words for one to five to count up to ten in Arabic. Go over all of the words for instance 2 in Arabic or 5 in Arabic until you know pretty much everything there is to know about them. Here’s 1 to 5 in Arabic:

  • One = Wahid (واحد).
  • Two = Itnan (إثنان).
  • Three = Talata (ثلاثة).
  • Four = Arba’a (أربع).
  • Five = Hamsa (خمسة).

Six to Ten

At the point when you’ve ensured about the underlying five arabic numbers 1-10, the opportunity has arrived to deal with the accompanying 5. Practice them until you recall them, for example, 6 in Arabic or 8 in Arabic, and subsequently collect all of the 10 together:

  • Six = Sitta (ستة).
  • Seven = Sab’a (سبعة).
  • Eight = Tamaniya (ثمانية).
  • Nine = Tis’a (تسعة).
  • Ten = Ashra (عشرة).
Number Numeral Arabic Romanized Pronunciation
1 ١ وَاحِد Wahid Waah-heet
2 ٢ اِثْنَان Ithnan Ihth-naan
3 ٣ ثَلَاثَة Thalathah Theh-lah-theh
4 ٤ أَرْبَعَة Arbaʿa Ahr-uh-bah-ah
5 ٥ خَمْسَة Hhamsa Hahm-sah
6 ٦ سِتَّة Sitta Siht-tah
7 ٧ سَبْعَة Sabʿa Sehb-uh-ah
8 ٨ ثَمَانِيَة Thamaniya Theh-mah-nee-yuh
9 ٩ تِسْعَة Tisʿa Tihs-anh
10 ١٠ عَشَرَة Ashar Ahsh-ahr-rah

How to Practice Arabic Numbers 1-10?

The following are perhaps one or two different ways with which you can practice your numbers:

Download counting tunes and focus on them to get to know the words. You can find various accounts on Youtube that are made for youngsters and can help you with learning the numbers in Arabic. Moreover, counting accounts and songs can similarly deal with your method for communicating the numbers. Basically talk or ring in the words until you start to seem like the speaker or craftsman on the video.
You can in like manner present a flexible application. Search for Arabic counting or multi-language counting applications on the Application Store. Most of these applications are permitted to present. For example, one such application called Polynumial makes an understanding of numbers to help you in learning how to count. The application has an Arabic-unequivocal interpretation anyway it is only available for iOS.
Reiterate the numbers you have learned in Arabic throughout the span of the day as you go over them. As you go getting out and about your day, you are likely going to go over the numbers and use them without so much as a second thought. Hence, whenever you see a number, stop, and make an understanding of it into Arabic. For instance, have a go at saying your bank balance in Arabic. Then again count the number of things in your essential food thing truck or the concentrations in a game in Arabic.
Use cheat sheets to deal with your Arabic language as you practice numbers. You can use the essential counting cheat sheets that are planned for young people to learn numbers and have a particular number of things on one side and the number in Arabic on the contrary side. You can without a doubt buy such cheat sheets at an informative store or on the web. Another strategy for getting to them is through locales that let you save printable cheat sheets.
At long last, endeavor past good ‘ol to check the Arabic word for the number on the web, and subsequently express it without keeping down for the rest of the day.

Learning 11 Through 19

Structure the number with a sort of the Arabic word for 10 for the numbers 11 to 19. Start with the Arabic for the resulting digit and add the word Ashar (10).

For instance,

13 = Thalatha ‘Ashar

It signifies “three and ten.” Follow comparable framework for any leftover numbers from 11 to 19.

Forging ahead toward 21 to 99
For the numbers 21 to 99, use the tens Arabic word with the single digit for the numbers feasible. To make the words for more noteworthy numbers, create the Arabic word for the last digit and add the connector “wa-” and follow it with the real Arabic word for the tens place.

For instance,

53 = Thalatha wa-Khamsun

It signifies “three and fifty.”

Also, the Hundreds?

The Arabic word mi’a is used for hundreds. The Arabic words for even hundreds are made by adding the word mi’a, after the multiplier digit.

Thusly, for instance,

300 = Thalatha Mi’a”

Use a comparable system to make the Arabic words for numbers 21 – 99 to make the words for the hundreds.

Learning the Zero

Zero is called Sifr (صفر) in Arabic and explained as “Say-fur”. The possibility of no started in the spot that is known for India and Bedouin and was brought to the universe of Europe during the Missions.

Particularly like the English language, “zero” isn’t by and large used there of psyche until and with the exception of in the event that you read cardinal numbers for example a check card number or a phone number.

Seeing Arabic Numerals

The Western numerals are ordinarily considered “Arabic” numerals yet the numerals used in Arabic are truly known as Hindu-Arabic numerals, because of their start from India.

The Hindu-Arabic numbers include 10 digits that address the numbers zero, and one to nine:

٩ ٨ ٧ ٦ ٥ ٤ ٣ ٢ ١ ٠

Particularly like the English language, these 10 numbers are joined to make various numbers. For instance, in English, 10 would be a blend of the numbers 1 and 0. The comparable is fitting to the number ten in Arabic: ١٠

Recollect that you make and examine Arabic right to left. Regardless, you form and scrutinize the numerals from left to right, basically how you read in English. An extraordinary the truth is that in countries like Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, the Arabic numerals are as a rule used in blend in with Western numbers.

Proceeding to State of the art Levels

The opportunity has arrived to progress forward toward the higher numbers:

Learning the Tens

To make the “tens” of the numbers from 1 to 10, you really want to add the “un” postfix to the base digit. All of the words for the even tens are made by subbing the last syllable of the central digit with the “un” (expansion). Along these lines, we ought to see the numerous the Arabic language:

Twenty = Ishrun.
Thirty = Thalathun.
Forty = Arba’un.
Fifty = Khamsun.
Sixty = Sittun.
Seventy = Sab’un.
Eighty = Thamanun.
Ninety = Tis’un.
Note: For the twenty, for example, take the Arabic word for two, which is Itnan, dispose of its last syllable, and substitute it with the un. The consonants that are accessible close to the completion of the essential syllable do change, in any case, while forming the word with the Western letter set.


Additionally, it’s as simple as that! That is how you can learn how to count the Arabic numbers 1-10 in Arabic and a while later use those numbers to learn higher numbers during the tens and hundreds. It is essential and basic, particularly like